Jury 2024
Elisa Bogalheiro (Covilhã, Portugal, 1978)
She is a producer, journalist, writer and creative project developer. The different postal codes through which he has passed – from his native Portugal to Berlin, Panama or Barcelona, among others – have witnessed his ability to relate in different contexts and, above all, to embrace challenges that have allowed him and They continue to allow you to consolidate professionally.
Little did she know in 2002, when she moved to Berlin to finish her studies in German philology, that the following eight years in that capital would turn her into a storytelling enthusiast. This led her to professionally explore various forms and contents. During her years in Germany she worked as a journalist and producer for different Spanish and Latin American media. She also made her debut as a television entertainment creator in Panama, where she worked for two years before returning, in 2012, to Portugal. And that is when he began his career in the executive production and development of audiovisual projects. Likewise, in 2020 she made her debut as a director with the documentary “Os grandes criadores”.
She was production director of the short films ‘Holypopcorn’ (2013), ‘Jigging’ (2014), ‘O Efeito Isaías’ (2015), ‘Quiet’ (2022), and the feature film ‘O Canto do Galo’ (2017). She assumed production leadership for ‘Carga’ (2018) and ‘El Rey Peret’ (2023) and two years earlier, in 2021, she was the executive producer of Arlong Productions on the film ‘Waiting for Dalí’. ‘À procura da Estrela’, which premiered in Portugal (Porto Post Doc Film Festival) and in Spain last November (Gijón International Film Festival), is her first international co-production as executive producer.

Sergio Roldán (Sabadell, 1984)
He is a screenwriting teacher and screenwriter. Graduated from the ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya), where he has been a screenwriting professor since 2012, he has designed and coordinated the ‘Series Project’, in the Master of Screenwriting for five years, as well as several undergraduate subjects (Short film practices. Series scripting and feature film tutorials). He has taught several series script subjects at the Quito Film School, Ecuador (Incine Universitario). And, currently, he is responsible for the short film script subjects in the master’s degrees ‘One Year Filmmaking’ and ‘Introduction to the crafts of cinema’. He also designs, coordinates and teaches the course ‘Series scripting and scripting software. ESCAC Fast Forward.
His work as a screenwriter has been closely linked to the script
television in projects as diverse as ‘Palomitas’, by El Terrat for Tele5; ‘Arròs Covat’, for TV3 or ‘Monkey Expres’, for Movistar Series (in development). Likewise, he has embarked on different projects as director, producer and
screenwriter: ‘Tú mismo‘ (Input TV Festival, Seoul 2011) and ‘13 maneras de quedarse solo‘. And as a scriptwriter and editor: ‘Shanghái brillaba entre líneas‘ (15L Films, Festival Márgenes 2020 Official Section).
Currently, he has the film ‘Despertar en la Mudarra‘ in development with Jaibo Films and The Inmigrante.

Xavi Lezcano (Barcelona, 1975)
Founder, along with Josep Machado in 2014, of the Americana Film Festival (Barcelona North American Independent Film Festival), Lezcano is an Image and Sound Engineer and has a Master’s degree in Cultural Management.
In 2019, he made the leap into independent film distribution with the creation of Flamingo Films, a distributor that has won awards at such notable festivals as the Festival of San Sebastián, the Festivalof Sevilla, the Festival of Gijón or the D’A Film Festival among others.
Likewise, he has been part of the board of directors of Catalunya Film Festivals, was a promoter of Screen (Federation of film festival associations) and is a founding partner of Próxima (association of independent and auteur film distributors in VO).

Antonio Barrero
Author of the short films: ‘Parc de Ponent’, ‘A mig camí’ and ‘Segrest’, he is a teacher at the General Directorate of Educational Guidance of the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia; trainer of the Mitjans Audiovisuals program of the Department of Education and professor of Catalan at the Rovira i Virgili University.
His passion for cinema and the dissemination of culture led him to create, in 2008, the FIC-CAT (International Film Festival in Catalan) in Roda de Berà, an event that he also directed and promoted since its foundation and until 2021. .
Currently, Barrero is the President of FICCAT and, within the organizational committee, he is part of the pedagogical area and educational centers of the aforementioned festival. From where it carries out different initiatives to promote audiovisual creation in centers, giving practical film workshops that are aimed at both students and teachers of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary Schools.