Jury of the 12th Dr. Mabuse Short Film Festival


Andreu Meixide

Jurat 2013 - Andreu MeixideAudiovisual producer and architect. Director of Programming of the Barcelona Creative Commons Films Festival. Co-founder of Cosmopolilla Productions and director of the short film Marquesa, present at several international festivals, He has also made Sóc Rambla and the documentary series online Bloc dels Pescadors, Barceloneta.

David Jordan

david jordan-jurat-2013Programming Director of Cardoterror, the horror film festival located at Cardedeu, and member of the TAC (Terror arreu de Catalunya).
He is passionate about cinema, comics and rock and roll.  He is the 50% of the Rock´n´roll radio programme Sonic Reducer at Radio Cardedeu.

Diego López

diegolopez-jurat-2013Editor of the El Buque Maldito fanzine since 2005, dedicated to the horror and fantastic films. He has collaborated in several  journals and in some collective books, as the recent Neoculto: El libro definitivo sobre el cine de culto, a book about cult cinema. Since 2010 he is responsible of the Brigadoon Section at the SITGES Fantastic and Horror Film Festival in Catalunya.

Javier Meler

javi-meler-jurat-2013Apart from some spots made for the Dr. Mabuse Short Film Festival, he has made 3 shorts: 12.822 Km, de Zaragoza a Pekín, Náufrago and Acuse de Recibo.
He writes and makes cinematographic analysis at his blog doctormentalo.com

Marcela Terra

marcela terra-jurat-2013Playwright and theatre director.
She is the director and artistic producer of the theatre company Meridiano 70ymedio.

Nathalie Modigliani

nathalie modigliani-jurat-2013Passionate and enthusiastic expert of cinema and visual arts. She is co-director of MODIband , an association dedicated to self-produced cinematographic projects, as Sala Montjuïc, the open-air film festival at the Montjuic Castle and the El Meu Primer Festival, a children film festival in Barcelona.